Unveiled Life, LLC | Unveiled Power
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Power To Command, Not Just Withstand, The Storms

His power in you goes far beyond just healings and miracles!

Unveiled Power



The ‘5 Pillars of Power’ are the practical ‘how-to’ path to walking into the fullness of unveiled power/supernatural in Christ. They are the levels that all who have moved in great power, have grown through, though often unknowingly.


There are a combined 100+ years of discovery, between several powerful men, behind the development of the 5 Pillars of Power. If you commit to the journey, you will come to walk in a level of power that has been rare in the Western church.  What are the 5 Pillars of Power in a nutshell? This video explains:

Chronicles of an Unveiled Life

Chronicles of an Unveiled Life

Increase Your Faith by Hearing of Unveiled Life Examples!

Unveiled Power School

Unveiled Power School

Learn To Walk In Extreme Supernatural!

Itinerant Events

Itinerant Events

Spread Strong Fire, Invite us To Come To You!



Various Insights That Will Make a Difference!


The ‘Chronicles of an Unveiled Life’ web series will inspire you and embolden your faith level as you listen to Alianza’s testimonies of walking in unveiled life in Christ, some of which that are on the level of Elijah, Moses, and Samson. Be encouraged oh mighty unveiled ones because God is not a respecter of persons, but of faith!

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Unveiled Power School

Learn To Walk In The Unveiled Fullness of Christ
(The 5 Pillars of Power)

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-- WHAT --

The Unveiled Power School is a to-the-point, practical-focused, “how to make it work” kind of training. It exists to train, (and answer many long-mysterious questions of), those who seek to walk in the fullness of Christ as seen in such verses as John 14:12. It produces unusual results that go way beyond just healing and prophetic activation & is poised to eventually be a movement, which will bring many Sons into greater glory – getting us all ready for the seasons to come.


The school consists of 5 parts (or, “pillars”). The first Pillar training is open to everyone, while Pillars 2, 3, 4, &, 5 are only made available to those who have successfully completed the previous Pillar(s). The information contained in Pillars 2~5 is very powerful and thus each is intended only for those who have been established in each respective prior pillar.

The 5 Pillars of Power in Christ

Principle is the first pillar. It is doctrinal foundation in the areas of healing, prophetic, miracles, identity and dominion.  This is the foundation for all else. Pillar 1 Life is also commonly known as ‘the identity message’ or ‘Word of Faith’. But, the Pillar 1 training takes things to a more effective level.  (Mark 7:13; John 15:7)
[Note: A student must have 25 healings done at their hands in order to start pillar 2 training or the pillar 2 training will not have its work in them because P2 is focused on internal heart movements of faith, and thus one must have some experiential knowledge of what it feels like inside to believe God, unto supernatural manifestation].

Openness is the second pillar. It is heavily focused on hands-on experience. It is here where you sharpen your spiritual senses to see, hear, know, and flow with the Holy Spirit. This part of the journey is where people start experiencing things like visions, powerful dreams that sometimes even physically cross into waking life, prophetic dreams, hearing their Father while awake, seeing/hearing the future, manifesting the tangibly presence of God at will, moving that power through them at will, and more. Pillar 2 Life is often also known as the path of ‘the prophetic camp’. But, the Pillar 2 training takes that path and empowers it with Pillar 1 Life, which then takes the student into Pillar 3 Life.  (John 10:27; 1 Cor 12:31)

Wield is the third pillar. It combines the 1st and 2nd pillars, which then open the door to intentionally directed power, prophetic, miracles, angelic encounters, doing supernatural exploits from a distance/remote, throwing power, manifesting Holy atmospheres at will, knocking people down with power (the real version), and much more. This kind of life creates a much deeper intimacy with Him and also affords one great evangelistic prowess. Pillar 3 Life is what we have seen in people like Kathryn Kuhlman.  (John 17:22; Acts 6:8, 2 Cor 3:18).

Enthronement is the forth pillar. It fundamentally changes you into something else (a matured Son). It is the place where you become enthroned in the fullness of your delegated authority. In this place, where even higher levels angels will yield to you, you have tremendous spiritual authority to bless, create, alter events, and even bring judgement. (Galatians 4:1; 1 Cor 6:3; Rev 3:12)

Revealed is the fifth pillar. This is the place where you have become a portal and atmospheric supernatural will manifest around you even without trying. Things like objects and people levitating and turning invisible around you, an atmosphere of repentance hitting the air around you causing people to spontaneously repent, people getting healed from getting too close to you, and etc. It is the becoming of a “manifested son of God”. Life here looks like Moses, Elijah, Samuel, Peter, Maria Woodworth Etter, John G. Lake, etc, etc. (Rom 8:19; John 14:12b)

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-- WHY --

For generations the truth seen in such verses as John 14:12(b) has been a mystery to most Christians.  This is due, in part, to the fact that the flows of the 5 main camps within the Charismatic Church have been mostly separated and thus the pieces to the puzzle have been kept apart.  The Unveiled Power School shows you how to walk in all of them, as one coherent picture …one flow….  …which, opens the door to some extreme and some unusual supernatural manifestations that will allow you great effectiveness in evangelism, in intercessory power, intimacy with the Father, in all of the gifts of the Spirit, and more – unto the glory of the Father and the furtherance of establishing His Kingdom in the earth.

-- COST --

Each consist of pre-recorded video teaching sessions.  Once you have been given access to that week’s training session, you will have  access to it for a year for review purposes.  If you cannot afford it then we ask that you contact us regarding scholarships so we can make sure you still get access to it. 


Pillar 1 Training

Where: online
Duration:  12 sessions
Cost: $75/mnth billed over 3 months. Or, 10% off if all paid at once ($202).  We offer scholarships for those who are not in a place to afford it, to make sure everyone can get it.
Prerequisite: Be truly in Christ (aka “saved”, “born again”), be wholly committed to Him and His purposes in the earth, be in vibrant relationship with Him, and love the written Word of God above all human opinion.  We also recommend that Pillar 1 students have taken – or take along side with the Pillar 1 training – the teaching of Dan Mohler / Todd White. (note: Unveiled Life is not affiliated with Todd White or Dan Mohler)


Pillar 2 Training

Where: online
Duration: 8~10 sessions
Cost:  $60/mnth billed over 3 mnths. Or, 10% off if all paid at once ($162).
Prerequisite: In order to be given access to Pillar 2 training the student must have completed Pillar 1 training – or have a pass from us – and have established fruit from Pillar 1 training, which at least 25 confirmed healings performed at their hands. Until one has that kind of bare minimal experiential knowledge of the sense of believing without wavering inside as well as a solid biblical foundation of this area of life then not only will they not benefit from Pillar 2 training, but this training can discourage and/or be harmful to them. Thus, we thank you for understanding. 
In addition to the classes, one-on-one coaching is also often needed and therefore we offer such in the form of small group web stream/calls – as it is needed by the students.  Costs for the coaching portion are still being determined but we will make sure all who want the training will get it. 


Pillar 3 Training

Where: online
Frequency: one session per week
Duration: 1.5 months (6 sessions in total)
Cost:  $105/mnth billed over 2 mnths. Or, 10% off if all paid at once ($189)
Prerequisite: In order to be given access to Pillar 3 training the student must have completed Pillar 2 training – or have a pass from us – and have established fruit from Pillar 2 training, which is the ability to manifest the tangible presence of the Holy Spirit on purpose, have the ability to see in the Spirit on purpose, and have a demonstrated – even if young – ability to accurately hear from the Father for themselves.  Until one has that kind of experiential knowledge of moving with the Holy Spirit on purpose then not only will they not benefit from Pillar 3 training, but this training could easily discourage and/or be harmful to them. Thus, we thank you for understanding.  
In addition to the classes, one-on-one coaching is also often needed and therefore we will be offering it in the form of small group web stream/calls – as it is needed by the students.  Costs for this portion are still being determined but we will make sure all who want the training will get it.


Pillar 4 Training

Where: online
Frequency: one session per week
Duration: 1 month (4 sessions in total)
Cost:  $172
Prerequisite: In order to be given access to Pillar 4 training the student must have completed Pillar 3 training – or have a pass from us – and have established fruit from Pillar 3 training, which is the ability to have at least 75% success rate in 2 or more of these areas: getting people healed or delivered in person, getting people healed or delivered from a physical distance, working miracles, moving in gift of faith, accurate revelatory abilities (prophecy, word of knowledge/wisdom), or acts of intentional supernatural intervention.  Until one has that kind of experiential knowledge of moving strongly, skillfully, and purposefully with the Holy Spirit then they will not benefit from Pillar 4 training.  Thus, we thank you for understanding.  
ALSO; in addition to the classes, one-on-one coaching is also often needed and therefore I will be offering it in the form of small group web stream/calls – as it is needed by the students.  Costs for this portion is still being determined but we will make sure all who want the training will get it.


Pillar 5 Training

Pillar 5 training is pure, and very strong, meat and no hint of milk thus access to Pillar 5 training is by invitation only and its details are only discussed with those who are able to attend it.  We thank you for understanding.

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-- FAQ --

“What Do I Do If I Have Problems Signing Up For The School?”

Contact us via email we can help you.  If you want help over the phone just state that in the email.  CLICK HERE TO CONTACT US.

“Why Do You Guys Charge For The Schools?”

We do not often hear this question, but we want to address it for those few who will ask it again. The three reasons we charge are…

1) Because, running this school costs us more than most would think.  If we want to keep it as resource for folks, then we all have to play a part. We are the Body, and no one can do everything on their own. Those who pay for the school are partners in this work in a very real way.

Also, we have a scholarship option available for those who cannot afford the school.

2) Because, we usually work 80+ hour weeks at Unveiled Life and thus have no time left to work a secular job. Even though the bible says a “worker is worthy of his hire”, we still want to work for free… but, understandably, we cannot.

3) Time is of the essence! The messages that this ministry carries need to be heard far and wide, and quickly. Time is short and the amount of work is great. All monies that are not needed for survival/overhead purposes go right back into investing in infrastructure to get these messages to a much larger audience.

“What If I Cannot Afford The Schools?”

We have never turned away anyone over finances.  If you cannot afford it then we ask that you contact us regarding scholarships so we can make sure you still get access to it.

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"Since Jeff (Alianza) came into my family's life, it has been like one supernatural thing after another. He got my daughter's blind eye healed, my husband's back, my health issues, and through him even saw God perform a powerful financial miracle. And, now I am seeing God start to use me as well!"


"I have NEVER heard anyone tie together the prophetic camp with the dominion camp so seamlessly, and successfully, in such a way that activates the prophetic domain into the area of dominion, and that activates dominion acts into the realms of the prophetic. This ministry will change things in the Church in strong ways!"

Jessica L.

"I have not felt such manifested power in a meeting since I went to a David Hogan meeting many years ago. These guys walk in what they teach. VERY encouraging because it means I will be walking in it soon, because they know what they are talking about. luv you guys and thank you so much!"

Zach W.

"I have been a Christian for many years and like most Christians I had had life that was only built around the bible scriptures and God was really just an idea to me (though the most cherished one) when it came right down to it. Ever since I took the pillar 2 training, the heavenly realm has SERIOUSLY opened up! I cannot keep up with all that the Spirit of God is doing in my life now! Seeing the future, operating in healing, and MUCH more is now common place! I have never seen a ministry produce this kind of quick fruit. Thank you unveiled life!"

Molly S.

"Since I met Jeff (Alianza) I have learned to overcome my doubts about what it means to actually see the Gospel come to life. From singing about Gods love in bookstores to praying for complete healing in the middle of the line at the DMV, these teachings will prove to you that the super natural power of living an unveiled life wasn't a fluke 2000 years ago."

James M.

"I never heard it like this before. It's so simple and yet so deep, and makes so much sense. I made really noticeable progress in the areas of prophetic and power within a couple months. Thank you Jesus for unveiling us before the Father!!! And, thank you UL team for all the hard work in helping me get to where I was meant for. I love you all! :>)"

A. Jenson

"This ministry is really a ministry of powerful context. I've been a Christian for over 20 years and I have never seen the "whole picture" until now. Thank you guys for your dedication and perseverance to dig this stuff up from the forgotten past."

Jack L.


Coming Soon

We are not accepting requests for on-location events just yet. We have lots of building to do behind the scenes first. But, we will soon be having conference call events.  Join our mailing list to get updates on all events.

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