Unveiled Life, LLC | Give/Partner
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We thank you for your interest in partnering with us.


Angels physically came to commission me to share the message the Father put into me over years of time. That is a big deal. This message is a seed of the next level in the Story of the Church, and it is critical this message get out to as many people as possible as quickly as possible. The Lord depends on the obedience of us to get His work done in the earth. YOU & I are who He is depending on. Abraham, Moses, Elijah, the Apostles, the 70, the early church, etc …. all were examples that God’s plan is manifest through people. We are co-workers and partners with God to accomplish His mission. 


Those in Christ are capable of Moses & Elijah level manifestations of glory, and I know it from tasting of it via first-hand experience not just from reading such verses as 2 Cor 3:10-18 & John 14:12. I also know that I am in no way “Special”. I know that “Christ in US, is the hope of (‘reason to expect’) glory” and thus, because of Him in us, we are the presence of His hope of the world. I know that until multitudes of Christians firmly grasp this truth, the Living Gospel (“knowledge of God’s glory”) will not fully “cover the earth as waters covers the sea” the way He desires, thus making “His enemies into a footstool for the Lord of Glory”. Our job as disciples of Jesus, is to work with Him to subdue the earth for Father, thus bringing Heaven’s healing into lives, bodies, cultures, and nations.


My short words here do not come close to effectively communicating the immense gravity of Heaven that is behind this work and the effect it is having in on the earth. This work has, and will continue to, grow quickly because it IS sent from Heaven. Thus, please be prayerful about partnering with this work because the Father will then make known to you the gravity of importance of doing so. Thank you, eternally.


In service of the Eternal King of Glory,


Alianza (Jeff)

What Do Finances Go Toward?

We have been on television in 70 nations across the Middle East and Asia, and will continue to do so, where viewers have little financial resources.  That takes finances to stay on air thus changing millions of lives. When we travel for events, that takes finances. The missionaries we support require finances. Building an online presence that reaches as many people as possible with the Unveiled Message takes finances. Many students have little income and depend on scholarships. We absorb those costs. We have film projects in the works that will reach hundreds of millions. That takes finances. Then there is a slew of administrative and overhead costs. Etc, etc. Your partnership matters.

Unveiled Life, (now Unveiled Life, LLC) is no longer a registered 501(c)3 tax deductible organization. Gifts are not tax deductible.

What Does It Do For You?

Five minutes after we enter into our heavenly homes many things will become very clear to us. The main one is that the things we invested in here, have eternal consequence for us personally – FOREVER. And, there are no do-overs. Thus, our time, energy, focus, plans, and money are assets we have access to here, which if used wisely will build for us an eternity that will have no shred of regret.  Your sacrificial support of what the Lord is doing through this work is a very profitable act of sowing into your eternal reward.  Blessings to you in that.  (Remember the Parable of the 10 Minas. “Occupy ’til I come…” (Luke 19:11-27)

But, for now, those who are signed up for monthly giving will receive via email the partner newsletters and videos, as they are released. This is content that is either only available to partners or content that partners will see before being released to the public.

You will be forwarded to the secured Paypal system to donate one time or sign up as a monthly donation:

Donate or Partner Here

You can use PayPal or major credit cards.

If you would prefer to send a check via mail, you can send it to:


Unveiled Life
PO Box 2130
Hillsborough, NH 03244


NOTE: Unveiled Life, (now Unveiled Life, LLC) is no longer a project under a registered 501(c)3 tax deductible organization. Donations are not tax deductible.

Together, Fulfilling Heaven’s Will In This Final Hour of Glory!

“Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever. But you, Daniel, roll up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge.”

(Daniel 12:3-4)