Unveiled Life, LLC | One Unwavering is Greater Than 1 Million in Doubt
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One Unwavering is Greater Than 1 Million in Doubt

  |   1st Pillar Life (Alianza), Alianza's Unveiled Power Inspirations, Unveiled Power, Unveiled Power - by Alianza   |   3 Comments



Think out the implications of this one. Don’t let it get past you. Because if you see it, it will change your life, and LOTS of others as well.


The Point:
One who knows how to believe without wavering has more potential for power than a million who doubt!  GOD CAN USE SUCH PEOPLE POWERFULLY!


The Thought:
One praying person with unwavering faith is much more powerful that 1,000,000 praying people who doubt their prayers will work.


Can we all hear this?
All these prayer groups, prayer chains, etc, etc out there today….
…do not have power because there’s lots of people praying, but because there’s often that one person who KNOWS their prayers will land, and land hard!


“ONE chases a thousand, and TWO put 10,000 to flight”…
Learn to Believe Him without wavering, and you will become a valuable resource to God and man in the earth!
And, no, He most certainly is not “in total control”. THIS false idea is responsible for paralyzing the Body of Christ in the earth.


OUR planet (that He passed on to us)
OUR dominion (that He gave us)
OUR Messiah (that He sent to us)


and thus….


OUR power (that He extends to us)…


….will change the world in extreme ways…




ONLY if….





“Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?” (John 11:40)

AUTHOR - Alianza Machtah

I once was dead but I did not like it, so I left. Now, Another lives in my place and I in His.

  • Emily Troy | Aug 30, 2017 at 10:22 am

    Praise our holy mighty father! WE WILL BE THE CHANGE IN THIS EARTH!!!

  • Onukogu JudeMary | Aug 30, 2017 at 6:23 am


  • Emma Selassie | May 21, 2017 at 9:50 pm

    Prayer is powerful.

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