Unveiled Life, LLC | HEARING FATHER: Connection
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  |   2nd Pillar Life (Alianza), Unveiled Power, Unveiled Power - by Alianza   |   4 Comments

The reason there’s so much confusion about the nature, person, and will of God is the same exact reason you’d be confused about the topic, words, direction, and sentiments of your friend while talking on the phone with a bad connection.   You’d hear a word, or a phrase, or a sentence.. and then ‘kshhhhhskshhhhh’. And, over the period of several hours, you’d only understand bits and pieces of what was meant for you to hear and know.




Three things to know, that will help….


1) every SECOND of unwavering faith directed toward Him that syncs and connects your soul (your spirit is already connected to His) to His mind so as to hear His voice and/or to see His hand of power move, is an EQUAL second spent in connection to His mind, His moves, and His message. And conversely every minute, every hour, every day.. week… month… year… decade – not spent in that inner state of 100% unwavering heart-connected faith to Him is time we are left to our own mind, our own thoughts, our own means, our own message, our own power.  THIS is why there are thousands of opposing ideas about God, Jesus, the Bible, and Christianity – IN the Church no less.  Otherwise why else would there be so many differing ideas about the same God, if everyone had the same spirit and was all continually yielding to that same Spirit?  We must learn to keep our soul connected to His Voice and Mind.


2) While His Spirit has 100% possessed ours when we came to Him, the same cannot be said about the conscious part of us (the soul) that we live and operate out of every day. Even the most in-tuned of us, usually only “hear” gut feelings, impressions, and faint whispers and dim inner visions. And, the more we condition ourselves in deep prayer states, the more we can then hear His whispers clearly. But, that takes time, understanding how to do it, and focus/passion. We must spend the time and energy to become and to stay sensitized.


3) This is why it is so important for the members of His Body to abide together. And, for those members to remain in humble submission to the Spirit that ties them together – and NOT move and think/speak out of the unrenewed portions of our minds. One has a revelation/message, another a demonstration, another a piece here, another a piece there, and so on…. And, together we, who are subjected to a horrible “phone connection” to Him in this world, can collectively understand His messages to us all. This, aided with the Bible, gives us a pretty good connection to hear His messages to us, all things considered. We must realize we depend on the other parts of the Body and yield to those who are speaking and moving from the Spirit, within them.


“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known”.
– 1 Cor. 13:12

“What is the outcome then, brethren? When you assemble, each one has a psalm, has a teaching, has a revelation, has a tongue, has an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification”
– 1 Cor. 14:26


AUTHOR - Alianza Machtah

I once was dead but I did not like it, so I left. Now, Another lives in my place and I in His.

  • Aurora Dubuque | Aug 18, 2018 at 8:55 pm

    Love how you teach. You make the “mysterious” (and frustrating) very simple to understand. I also LOVE the quote next to your photo.

  • Emily Troy | Aug 30, 2017 at 10:52 am

    Amen! Love the uniting of brothers and sisters around the world to accomplish God’s goals for us.

  • Grace Mahad Alibala | Apr 17, 2017 at 9:37 am

    Great Insiget. I love you Jeff

  • JudeMary Onukogu | Apr 5, 2017 at 1:57 pm

    That’s a great insight. Never thought it this way

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