Unveiled Life, LLC | Cost & Details For ‘The Pillar School of Power’
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Cost & Details For ‘The Pillar School of Power’

  |   Unveiled Power   |   8 Comments



Pillar 1 School

Where: online
Frequency: one session per week
Duration: about 2.5 months
Cost: $22-per-session donation
Once you have been given access to that week’s training session, you will have extended access to it afterwards for review purposes.  If you cannot afford it, then we ask that you contact us and let us know, so that we can make sure you still get access to it anyway.




Pillar 2 Training

Where: online
Frequency: one session per week
Duration: about 1.5 months
Cost:  $27-per-session donation
Once you have been given access to that week’s training session, you will have extended access to it afterwards for review purposes.   If you cannot afford it, then we ask that you contact us and let us know, so that we can make sure you still get access to it anyway.
ALSO; in addition to the classes, one-on-one coaching is also often needed and therefore I will be offering it in the form of small group web stream/calls – as it is needed by the students.  Costs for this portion is still being determined but we will make sure all who want the training will get it.



Pillar 3 Training

Where: online
Frequency: one session per week
Duration: about 1 month
Cost:  $35-per-session donation
Once you have been given access to that week’s training session, you will have extended access to it afterwards for review purposes.   If you cannot afford it, then we ask that you contact us and let us know, so that we can make sure you still get access to it anyway.
ALSO; in addition to the classes, one-on-one coaching is also often needed and therefore I will be offering it in the form of small group web stream/calls – as it is needed by the students.  Costs for this portion is still being determined but we will make sure all who want the training will get it.



Pillar 4 Training

Where: online
Frequency: one session per week
Duration: about three weeks
Cost:  $43-per-session donation
Once you have been given access to that week’s training session, you will have extended access to it afterwards for review purposes.   If you cannot afford it, then we ask that you contact us and let us know, so that we can make sure you still get access to it anyway.
ALSO; in addition to the classes, one-on-one coaching is also often needed and therefore I will be offering it in the form of small group web stream/calls – as it is needed by the students.  Costs for this portion is still being determined but we will make sure all who want the training will get it.


Pillar 5 Training

Pillar 5 training is pure meat, and no hint of milk, and thus must be by invitation only and its details are only discussed with those who are able to attend it. The information in it is so powerful that it could be dangerous in the wrong hands. Thus, those who are invited will have to be known by us as being ready, mature, and trustworthy.  We thank you for understanding.

AUTHOR - Alianza Machtah

I once was dead but I did not like it, so I left. Now, Another lives in my place and I in His.

  • Kelly Maas | Sep 6, 2017 at 12:09 pm

    Does a hard copy DVD come with these pillar classes, as well as online access?

    • Alianza | Sep 8, 2017 at 1:58 pm

      No, at this time the school is just housed online. We will be offering DVDs in the future.

  • Steve wilson | Sep 5, 2017 at 4:17 am

    Just included my details for the message I previously sent.

    • Esther Park | Sep 17, 2019 at 9:49 pm

      I belive Jesus healer!

  • Amber Triplett | Aug 2, 2017 at 1:40 pm

    Hi, I am interested in these classed and was wondering when they will start?


    • Alianza | Aug 16, 2017 at 6:25 pm

      Hello Amber. The pillar 1 classes have started. You can sign up anytime. Pillar 2 classes will launch in the late Fall. Blessings to you.

  • Fielding GoHarvest | May 31, 2017 at 8:03 am

    Im in. Love it. Thank you for sharing the glory & revelation you’ve received. Im a missionary that travels a lot, internet is often not available or extremely limited and time available to listen is unpredictable. Most lessons I take will be random and downloaded to listen online, hope thats possible. Whatever it takes.
    All things are Always possible.
    We are Unlimited in Him.

    • Alianza | Jun 5, 2017 at 8:33 pm

      Yes, they will be online and can be accessed whenever you have internet connection. Blessings on you and on your missions work, mighty one in Christ!

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