Unveiled Life, LLC | Alianza’s Insights
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Welcome To Alianza's Insights

Welcome to my blog. This is where I share my insights, exhortations, and various other areas of thought as writings and videos, which will aid you in walking in the fullness of your unveiled life in Christ.  Blessings on you, as you walk with Him!

'5-Pillar Power' Inspirations

Think out the implications of this one. Don't let it get past you. Because if you see it, it will change your life, and LOTS of others as well. The ...
Unveiled Insights
It's a fascinating thing to me that we can be strangers to our ourselves. In cultures where there is no rat race they are often aware of this deeper reality ...
Responsibility to Rule, in Him
Christians, who know they have command of power and/or prophetic and who - under guise of "being spiritual" or  or whatever - refuse to employee that power to change the ...
Unveiled Insights
There are times when a healing - a miracle - a word of knowledge - a prophecy - a sign or wonder... ....does not fit the need at hand. A ...
Hidden Gold:  Closer Than You Think
The longer I am at this, the more I am just truly truly amazed. All this power from Him, in us, which is literally so close to us and yet ...
Eternal Majesty in Temporal Form
Words on a screen can no more manifest what I want to share here than can hieroglyphics on a cave wall induce the rush of endless, explosive emotions you feel ...

Pillar 1 Power Insights

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Pillar 2 Power Insights

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Pillar 3 Power Insights

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Pillar 4 Power Insights

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Pillar 5 Power Insights

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