Unveiled Life, LLC | 3 Pillars in the process of releasing the power of God
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Unveiled Insights

3 Pillars in the process of releasing the power of God

  |   3rd Pillar Life (Alianza), Unveiled Power, Unveiled Power - by Alianza   |   1 Comment

The presence of God can be summoned at will.  It can be tangibly and really felt.

There are mechanical principles that govern the power of God.  It’s relationship-driven, but the power aspects are fairly mechanical.  Similar to marriage counseling – counselors give things to do, but they are based on a relationship.  We take the principles and submit them to art form.  It’s all about our hearts being established in him.


There are 3 pillars in the process of releasing the power of God.
1. Faith and Grace.  Grace is characterize by humility.  Humility invites grace into one’s life.  We need to become humble and teachable, like a dog.  Faith comes by hearing the spoken living word of God.  Not the word of God in the Bible, but the living word – rhema – quickened and delivered by God.  It’s an energy-filled, living word that has the power to awaken your heart.


2. Awareness.  Becoming aware of God’s presence, both mentally and sensually.  We need to get sensitized to his presence.  It takes developing a new set of senses.  It starts with sensing something of a premonition, a subtle feeling, or a “gut feeling”.   We need to learn to listen loud, and amplify what was heard.  We learn to become sensitive, which over time becomes very detectable.  As we honor and thank for little things – we invite more.  Faithful in little, more will be given.  First, it’s dim and quiet.  Then, by reason of use we develop sensitivity, and it gets loud and clear.  This step calls for waiting on God in a proactive way.  This is similar to deer hunting.   You wait with an expectation – listen, smell, watch out.  You wait for the deer to come along.  You don’t just rest into God, you press into God.  Your eyes and ears should be wide open, as yo seek to perceive the realm that you can’t yet see into.  Those who wait on the Lord … – these scriptures teach us about this active kind of waiting.   In order to hear God, we need to deny our senses, spend time in prayer with God.  It’s available to anyone.  E.g.: Stephen, who was not an apostle.


3. Directing.  Once you can feel it, you can move it.  This is intercession.  Power of God can be moved and pushed out from within by faith.  We are filled with the spirit of God, so we push from within.  We and God are one.  We are like two liquids mixed together, and therefore no longer separable.  Or like water and dye.  We are a moving, living house of God.

AUTHOR - Alianza Machtah

I once was dead but I did not like it, so I left. Now, Another lives in my place and I in His.

  • Marlene Ferguson | May 17, 2017 at 9:06 am

    Thank you. This was/is encouraging and inspiring to me.

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