Unveiled Life, LLC | Alianza’s Insights Test
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Welcome To Alianza's Insights

Welcome to my blog. This is where I share my insights, exhortations, and various other areas of thought as writings and videos, which will aid you in walking in the fullness of your unveiled life in Christ.  Blessings on you, as you walk with Him!

'5-Pillar Power' Inspirations

You Have Instruments In You That Can Change The Future
In your body is the seed or egg of what could be an entire generation of people. Just ask Abraham how that can work. But, did you know that is ...
Unworthy Made Worthy
Many folks do not catch His fire because they feel unworthy, bad, not good enough, etc. So, check this out: When the light of conviction shines upon us either via ...
Sons of Fire
How did a Relationship with the God of Fire, who manifested His presence as pillar of fire a quarter of mile tall, end up as a system of "religious belief" ? ...
Unveiled Insights
We all know about the word "carnality". And, we all know it is bad. And, many of us know the bible says many places that those who live in it ...
The Point of Supernatural Is Not About The Supernatural
Because it takes much time, focus, and energy to “lust after the greater gifts”, to learn faith, to learn how to operate the gifts, etc, etc....   ...it is thus ...
Body of Christ: Natural or Ethereal in Nature?
  We have understood that we are "the Body of Jesus in the earth". But, few folks have historically understood that we are "the Body of the Anointed One in ...