Unveiled Life, LLC | Pillar 2 Application Test
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Welcome to the Pillar 2 School Entrance Exam!

Being very short, this test can be completed in less than 10 minutes.  Because of the nature of some of the information in this training, we need make sure those who can benefit from it have access to it while those who are not quite ready do not get ahold of more than they can bare. “Milk” and “meat” are both good, when consumed in the right season of life. With this said, there are many humble children of God who feel they are not ready, but they are.   This test is designed to aid in determining who is who, regardless of what one thinks about themselves. Please answer honestly, being neither too pessimistic about yourself, nor too optimistic. Once you have completed it, your answers will be recorded along with name and contact info for our private records. This info is encrypted and never shared with anyone for any reason.


ONLY TAKE IT ONE TIME.  When you are done, you will get a response message. If you pass you will see a signup button. If you do not pass, you will see a message without a signup button.


We thank you for your honesty, understanding, and passion for more of what the Father intends for us.